Personal Tax Services

Personal Tax Services

Calgary, Alberta

Get the most out of your Canadian tax return by consulting with L Bloxham Professional Corporation.

You do not have to own and operate a business in order to need assistance with your personal taxes. It is in everyone's best interest to file their taxes on time, and as completely and accurately as possible. To be sure that your taxes are in compliance, your best option is to retain the services of LBPC located in Calgary NW. Our accounting and tax firm takes individual income tax and benefit return services just as seriously as corporation income tax return services. You can be sure that we will keep your information totally private and confidential. As a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) firm, we can walk you through the most complicated tax laws. Keeping more money in your pocket is everyone’s goal. If you are paying taxes, that means you are making money. Our goal is to find tax savings and optimize your tax situation where possible, so as to minimize the overall tax impact to your financial state.

Here are some of the specific areas where we will provide valuable assistance and support for you:

  • Canadian individual tax returns for resident, non-resident, and US citizens
  • Alberta tax returns and multi-jurisdictional tax returns
  • different sources of income, such as but not limited to: employment, commission, business, rentals, pension, profit-sharing, foreign, support payments, scholarship, grants, benefits, stock options, investments, farming, royalties, honorarium, partnership, and other incomes
  • calculating capital gains and losses such as but not limited to: sale of different types of property (real estate, depreciable, non-depreciable, personal use), investments, qualified business shares, capital gain reserves, capital gain exemptions, allowable business losses, and other gains and losses
  • principal residency reporting
  • foreign verification reporting
  • RRSP over contribution reporting
  • foreign pension reporting
  • Immigrating to Canada reporting
  • Emigrating from Canada reporting
  • different sources of deductions and credits such as but not limited to stock options, pension-splitting, RRSP, professional memberships and union dues, interest, carrying charges, employment expenses, childcare, northern living allowances, moving, medical, tuition, disability, donations, search and rescue, and much more
  • multiple year tax filings
  • minimal consulting only for US taxes (we do NOT prepare US tax returns)
  • tax planning and consultation for individuals, couples, and families
  • retirement planning and consultation
  • succession planning and consultation
  • preparation of tax estimates
  • provide installment amounts for prepayment of taxes before deadline
  • liaison with financial planner, lawyers, bank account managers, or the CRA

LBPC for Your Personal Tax Returns

At LBPC, we have over 25 years of knowledge and experience with the Canadian tax laws, tax treaties, rules, regulations, interpretations and administrative policies. Personal tax accounting also requires knowledge of proven tax minimization strategies and being able to apply them wherever applicable to a client's circumstances. In this way, the client can have their personal holdings protected, while at the same time achieving their overall financial tax objectives. In a nutshell, that is exactly what we do.

Our knowledge and experience will ensure that you receive every possible tax deduction that is supported by solid documentation, so as to minimize your exposure and allow you to keep more of what you have earned. No matter what state your taxes are in currently, we can unravel all the potential snags and complications so that a straightforward tax return can be filed with the CRA. 

Your individual tax returns are prepared by Canadian residents. We do not outsource outside of Canada. We offer online portals for our clients to upload source tax documents, so there is no need to track down the paper. With technology improving every day, we strive to utilize these new tools as it improves our efficiencies, and gives you access to the most up-to-date reports at your fingertips, no matter where you are in the world. 

Since there can be some pretty complicated tax regulations that individuals must comply with, it really helps to have some great experience in your corner. L Bloxham Professional Corporation is a CPA, CGA firm, and that means we can provide you with the expertise needed to overcome any issues with your returns. As long as you communicate with us clearly about your tax situation and intentions, our CRA-registered CPA firm is able to plan, prepare, and complete your personal taxes accurately, with all the tax information you provided in a hassle-free manner. Our aim is not to be merely your tax preparer, but to be your tax partner, since we both have a stake in ensuring your taxes are prepared in the most timely and concise fashion. 

Behind in getting your taxes filed? No worries - we can assist you with getting caught up.

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